Friday, October 30, 2009

Because it would be rude not to.

I have been so far removed from blogging for the last six weeks or that its hard to know where to pick up. But, since I spent so much time talking about trying to get this photoshoot done, I figured not posting the results would just be the height of rudeness. I won't wax eloquent about the actual experience. You can make your own inferences just from the captions.
I love this mosaic bench.
What a gluttony of colors!
My favorite picture ever of Just
Eliza and Ingrid.
Probably the one that will end
up in Christmas cards.
I don't know what was so funny.
Neither does Ingrid.
Theia's a bit excited, and showin some leg.
Ingrid was pulling her hair out by this point.
My favorite of Eliza
After the wardrobe change
we had to pull out the big guns
to get any cooperation.
Bribery is a wonderful thing.
So much happier than they all were 5 minutes
before this.
She can't believe...
This is really happening... her.
Ingrid was a pretty
inexperienced walker
when these were taken.
Melts my heart.
Makes my heart thump.
So blessed.