Eliza's Birth Story
I had putzy contractions for a few days and all through my official due date of July 6. I went to bed that night with contractions that quickly became regular, though not painful or real close. Nevertheless I couldn't sleep through them so I got Jessie up at two and we decided to go for a walk. Whoa! That really shifted me into active labor. After that point I never had any contractions that were less than four minutes apart.
When we got home I tried everything to see if it was real labor before we called Patrice. Finally convinced, we called her around 5:30 am and I told her that my contractions were really close and steady but that she didn't have to rush over because I thought I had hours to go since they weren't too hard to handle (I had overwhelmingly intense contractions for hours before Theia was born). Patrice said no, she'd better come over right away. Jessie filled the birth tub while we waited. By 7 am our midwives, Patrice and Barb, and Amanda their intern were all there. I was still feeling very in control, kneeling or rocking through my contractions. By 8 though I felt like I needed some help dealing with them so Jessie and I climbed into the pool (the water felt great!) And Jessie pushed on my back during contractions. I always find steady pressure on my lower back to be the most helpful. With Theia Jessie had to practically push me through the wall for hours on end. I had a sore tailbone for a few days afterward, but it was worth it.
All of a sudden my contractions became very intense and I had to moan through a couple. I said to Jessie that I wondered how many more hours I had to go because in my experience with Theia it was about 6 hours of intense misery after about 30 hours of very uncomfortable and sleepless early labor. I saw Patrice and Barb moving their supplies close to the pool and I thought to myself that I must be complaining too much since they obviously thought I was close. Well, they were right. With my next contraction I felt the unmistakable and overwhelming urge to push. I yelled "I have to push!" And everyone sprang into action. Patrice informed me that the head was already trying to crown. I stayed on my knees with my elbows resting on the side of the birth tub - it never occurred to me to change positions for delivery, even though Patrice got soaked up to her shoulders in assisting me. Amanda helped me stay in control by breathing through my pushes with me (which was a huge help). After only 8 minutes and three pushes later I felt the head crowning and pushed out my baby's whole body in one effort! Jessie caught her and brought her up out of the water and announced that we had another girl. I was so happy because I really wanted Theia to have a sister since they are so close in age. I couldn't believe it had all happened so quickly and with so little pain! Eliza was 7# 13 oz and 20" long. She was born at 8:32 am on 7-7-07 (that should be easy to remember!). We are so pleased with our homebirth experiences. It is so empowering to give birth with sensitive and experienced support. I never had any fear throughout either of my children's births because my midwives exude such a sense of calm, watching to make sure all is well, and reassuring me that everything happening is normal and wonderful.
First time for me to comment here. We have a lot in common! :) I had my 5th (a little girl) last July 15th. It was my first time with a midwife and I LOVED it! Not the posterior birth part, but the natural, in control part (mine was at the birth center though). I couldn't agree with you more. I am expecting again as well and due around the first of December with our 6th! At 39, people think I'm crazy for just starting the natural stuff. I guess they figure I'm too "old" to have it in me, but I wish the others had been the same!
Anyway, glad to find you! :)
The girls both look so different... I suppose Lorelai does too though... they grow up so fast.. :(
What a beautiful birth story. I had my third baby at home on 7-10-07. It was wonderful. Birth is amazing, isn't it! Blessings!
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