Friday, November 12, 2010


Obviously there has been a lot going on in our lives this past week or two, too much to take the time to sit down and blog about. I will get to that eventually, but my mind has been much more occupied these last few days with the tragic turn that the life of an old schoolmate, and fellow blogger has taken.

I want to ask you to pray for Veronica King and her children, 4 year old Faith, 3 year old Caleb, and Carter, who will be born in February. They lost their husband and daddy on Tuesday in a completely unexpected way.

I went to college with Veronica and Jeremy, and we sang together in chorus. Although we weren't "close", I still feel a special bond with everyone that I was in chorus with. Spending so much time together, on an almost daily basis, while lifting our voices in worship, and training toward a mutual goal has a way of bonding you with those people even without exchanging many words.

I am not an adequate one to eulogize Jeremy in any way, so I won't try. But from my own observation and interaction with him I can say I always had great respect for his humility and quiet leadership. He had an awesome voice and continued to use it to God's glory all the days of his life. He was a very manly guy who wasn't at all embarrassed to show that he adored his girlfriend (later his wife). I read Veronica's blog periodically and so have kept up with the growth of their family.

This is a link to an article about Jeremy, and to his obituary. Please lift them up. And if you feel led to donate to his memorial fund listed in his obituary, I'm sure his family would be so blessed to be relieved of any financial burden while they grieve. I know we are not assured of anything in this fallen world - that's why I am so grateful for the hope that I have in the day that there will be no more tears.

Below is a video of one of the compositions we sang in chorus (the choir in this recording is not ours) that has always spoken to me of the goodness of God in times of grief. I know that Jeremy can now lift his voice with a choir beyond any that he ever sang with on earth.


1 comment:

*Jess* said...

I'm so sorry for your friend's loss :(