Thursday, July 31, 2008

Frightening Images Ahead...

This was going to be the day that we finally get some 1 year pictures taken of Eliza (she's been 1 for almost a month), and hopefully some of Theia, as well of the two of them together. So, after spending an hour or so ironing the various outfits I planned for them to wear during their photo shoot, and bathing both girls, we headed off to a picturesque area to start shooting. Unfortunately we didn't take into account the sprinkler system at said picturesque area. The grass was too wet to sit little girl bums on. So we headed off to another suitable area nearby. We were greeted with perfect evening light on the little lake, beautiful gardens, and lots of pebble-covered walkways. The pebble-covered walkways sealed our doom. Eliza cannot focus on anything when there are rocks around; she is absolutely convinced that any rock she sees belongs in her mouth, and when confronted with so many at once, you can imagine the bewildering effect. With so much urgent work before her we could hardly expect her to be interested in anything else. After spending about a half hour trying to convince Eliza not to eat rocks (without success), we shifted our focus to Theia. Theia was willing to pose, but not willing to smile, or even look remotely pleasant at first. Unfortunately we had the bright idea of telling her to "show Mommy your teeth". See results below:
There were lots more like this - but these two were the most ghastly
She's trying SO hard to figure out what it is we want her to do - its all over her face She's such a good little girl.
I really should be too embarrassed for Theia's sake to even post these pictures, but they are so stinkin' hilarious that I just had to! I don't know when we're going to get around to getting this photoshoot done for real. It is SO HARD to get decent pictures of your children sometimes. Ironically, these pictures that Jessie took of Eliza in our backyard earlier in the day turned out to be the best shots of the day. And he just happened to stop work long enough to run out and snap a few while she was playing. *sigh* She is pretty cute, isn't she? And just for the record, Theia is VERY cute too, and I have plenty of adorable pictures to prove it.


Jen S said...

Those are the CUTEST pictures!! I really like the last one of Theia. You're right, it's obvious she is trying so hard to do what you are telling her to do. Adorable!

Nyla said...

I am LOL! What a funny story! Good for you for trying to get some pictures anyway! The pictures are very cute! Your girls are precious!

I like the new blog design too!

Our Growing Family said...

I love the shots of Eliza in your garden! I would use those for her year photos! Also... thank you for making me feel better for not having done Lorelai's year photos yet! I haven't had the time... but I think tomorrow morning will be our opportunity! Also, Theia is so adorable, trying to pose and everything... I LOVE it!

Robby said...
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Robby said...

I am going to kidnap my nieces...

That first one of Theia~ way hilarious!

Bert Ernie said...

Hilarious pictures of Theia! She is so adorable, as well as Eliza. We are just plain "puffed up" with pride for our grandkiddies.