Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Objects in Photos are SMALLER than they Appear...

*Haha, I just had to change the title of this post because I realized I had said larger, not smaller. That is most certainly NOT what I meant!* That is the disclaimer I wish I could post before every picture of myself taken after 32 weeks or so, but I have this sneaking suspicion that its not true. Oh well, only 10 days left, give or take a few. Increasingly, I'm wishing I could say this about my daughters too. I was looking through the pictures we took of them at the park last night and thinking, "Those just can't be MY daughters!" Theia especially looks so mature with her pigtails (I know, maturity and pigtails don't usually fit in the same sentence, but for a 2 year old, it works).
Eliza likes climbing the stairs to the slide, she's just puzzled about what to do at the top; and when we try to show her, she is less than thrilled.
"Why do they think I want to do these things?"
If you ever really want to feel fat, just try sitting on a swing and let it ever so gently remind you that it was designed for heinies much smaller than your own (this is assuming that you are a 9 months pregnant woman, if you're not, deepest apologies). I don't really feel that I need this daily reminder, but Theia apparently does. I let her sit on my lap for a ride a while ago and now she insists on it every time. This is growing increasingly difficult as my lap is already almost entirely monopolized. However, we manage, and Theia loves it!
"Mama, we goed high!"
Eliza takes a tamer turn with Daddy - Daddy gets motion sickness on swings!
Cute little bean...


Nyla said...

Your girls are so sweet! AND you look great!

Jen S said...

I'm so excited for you. . .only 10 days or so left! But I'm kind of sad too. . .does this mean no more Scrabble or blogging for awhile?? You'll find the time, won't ya?? :) Oh, and the picture of you swinging with Eliza and the "bump" scares me!! I'm like your husband, I get motion sickness on swings! Be careful!!

Oh, and I'm SURE you look MUCH smaller in person! :)

The Jessie James Gang said...

Thanks to you two. Nyla and Jen always make my day with their encouraging comments :).
Jen, I'll probably blog and "facebook" some while we're on our "babymoon" because we'll have wireless internet there and my Mom and Jessie will be there to do all my beck and call, but we'll see what happens once we get home.

Our Growing Family said...
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Penny said...

Those are cute pictures, especially the ones of you swinging with Theia. Looking forward to Friday!